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Thanks @niladri. You have just made me depressed.... :cry: Thailand is one of my very favourite countries. Was supposed to go last April, but with Covid, everything was put on hold. Oh well, next time I go, it will be a lot cleaner. Saw some before and after shots of Bangkok the other night. Pre-Covid and now...

Love your pic.
Thanks @niladri. You have just made me depressed.... :cry: Thailand is one of my very favourite countries. Was supposed to go last April, but with Covid, everything was put on hold. Oh well, next time I go, it will be a lot cleaner. Saw some before and after shots of Bangkok the other night. Pre-Covid and now...

Love your pic.
Sorry, didn't mean to depress you, of course! BTW, this was in 2012. Thanks for your appreciation of the pic!