Teton Ghost

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Steve's video on shooting in challenging conditions - rain, snow - was terrific and prompted me to go back over my catalogue for similar challenges. By far, my biggest challenge, photography-wise was this one.

For my 65th birthday, my beautiful wife treated me to a two day workshop in the Tetons with another Steve - Steve Mattheis - sorry Steve. On the second morning we left our Jackson cottage at stupid o'clock (Marianne decided to sleep in) to seek out rutting elk in GTNP. To say the pre-dawn fog that morning was soupy was a bit of an understatement. Anyway, somehow Steve spotted this fellow from the car and we both started shooting, him with his huge light sucking Z9/400mm 2.8 combo and me with my puny but far reaching OM1/150-400mm 4.5 combo. We propped the cameras on beanbags over the windows for support, opened up as wide as possible and knocked down our shutters as slow as possible to keep the ISO from skyrocketing. AF was useless, so both of us shot in manual focus, as you can see mine with mixed results.

However, I really loved the ghostly effect, particularly the one where I caught more foreground with the animal in the distance. These were also really challenging to process; the contrast in the raw files was minimal. Not my all time best shots, but certainly among the most memorable.

Anyway, they were a ton of fun to shoot, as was the entire two day experience.

Thanks for the informative video and reminder, Steve.
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