The happy couple

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I think these are Gold Marked Thread Wasps, and obviously they know each well. What I found interesting is that they were popping around from one flower to another for as long as I watched them whilst connected. Once or twice another wasp buzzed them (a jealous suitor?) but they mostly ignored the distraction.
Wow--amazing catch. Too bad that they sting.
I have found ... in general ... that solitary bees and wasps (i.e. not things like yellowjackets or paper wasps, etc which live in larger colonies) are usually pretty laid back when out and about on flowers. I wouldn't bother them too much, but they rarely get aggressive. This particular picture was shot from around 11 feet with a telephoto, but I've got pictures of honey bees, other bees, etc from around a foot with a macro lens. I wouldn't try that with a bald-faced hornet, for example.