The Intruder

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This shot was also taken from our balcony in Mindo, EC. I placed sugar water in the flower and soon a multitude of hummingbirds were coming. This shot looks flashed (it was not) and also looks like birds were Photoshopped into the picture (they were not). 4 birds, 3 different species. The three on the left (Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, and Green Thorntail (female) did not take kindly to the intrusion of the White-whiskered Hermit on the right. This confrontation deteriorated quickly.
I moved slightly to a different POV from the previous shot (same balcony, same BG). This has been cropped slightly from R and bottom, the BG has been brought down, de saturated, and slightly blurred.
The Intruder.jpg
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This shot was also taken from our balcony in Mindo, EC. I placed sugar water in the flower and soon a multitude of hummingbirds were coming. This shot looks flashed (it was not) and also looks like birds were Photoshopped into the picture (they were not). 4 birds, 3 different species. The three on the left (Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, and Green Thorntail (female) did not take kindly to the intrusion of the White-whiskered Hermit on the right. This confrontation deteriorated quickly.
I moved slightly to a different POV from the previous shot (same balcony, same BG). This has been cropped slightly from R and bottom, the BG has been brought down, de saturated, and slightly blurred.View attachment 56759
Beautiful shot👍👍👍