The Kahunas of Katmai

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I thought some of you might be interested in reading a short essay I wrote about my experience last summer photographing brown bears in Katmai National Park. If nothing else, maybe it’ll inspire you to make the trip yourselves - a bucket list destination for sure. As always, comments and suggestions are encouraged and welcome.

Here‘s the lede:

I’m on my knees in wet sand, and the bear is about 150 feet away, on the opposite side of the stream. Suddenly, he spots something, and takes off running - directly toward me! While I’m intent on getting action shots, I can’t help feeling nervous about the fast approaching, 700-pound animal. About 30 feet away, he lunges…

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I thought some of you might be interested in reading a short essay I wrote about my experience last summer photographing brown bears in Katmai National Park. If nothing else, maybe it’ll inspire you to make the trip yourselves - a bucket list destination for sure. As always, comments and suggestions are encouraged and welcome.

Here‘s the lede:

I’m on my knees in wet sand, and the bear is about 150 feet away, on the opposite side of the stream. Suddenly, he spots something, and takes off running - directly toward me! While I’m intent on getting action shots, I can’t help feeling nervous about the fast approaching, 700-pound animal. About 30 feet away, he lunges…

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Thanks for sharing your experience in Katmai! I’d love to visit one day, looks like there’s some awesome scenery to go along with the bears.

Did you do any overnights in the park or did you fly in every day? If you flew every day where were you based out of?
Thanks for sharing your experience in Katmai! I’d love to visit one day, looks like there’s some awesome scenery to go along with the bears.

Did you do any overnights in the park or did you fly in every day? If you flew every day where were you based out of?
I flew in everyday from Homer - about a 45-60 minute flight in a Cessna, which itself was a fantastic experience. Next time I’ll camp there for a week - there are outfitters that will set it up. Wonderful experience either way!
I thought some of you might be interested in reading a short essay I wrote about my experience last summer photographing brown bears in Katmai National Park. If nothing else, maybe it’ll inspire you to make the trip yourselves - a bucket list destination for sure. As always, comments and suggestions are encouraged and welcome.

Here‘s the lede:

I’m on my knees in wet sand, and the bear is about 150 feet away, on the opposite side of the stream. Suddenly, he spots something, and takes off running - directly toward me! While I’m intent on getting action shots, I can’t help feeling nervous about the fast approaching, 700-pound animal. About 30 feet away, he lunges…

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Fabulous photos and great essay. Did you go with an organization or specialised travel company?
Hi Clark,
Many thanks for sharing your fascinating visit experience in the essay and supporting images.
I also enjoyed visiting your site and the superb images posted therein.
Makes me want to visit your part of the world sometime.
Fabulous photos and great essay. Did you go with an organization or specialised travel company?
Yes and no. My trip was mostly funded by a grant from AARP, and I coordinated with them to make arrangements, although I traveled on my own (not part of a tour). I drove from Anchorage to Seward, then to Homer, which was my home base for a week, and flew out everyday with a small operator to Katmai and Lake Clark. On those daily flights, typically I had one or two other people along, in addition to my pilot/guide - a very small and intimate way to spend time with the bears. I much prefer traveling this way versus the larger groups.
Hi Clark,
Many thanks for sharing your fascinating visit experience in the essay and supporting images.
I also enjoyed visiting your site and the superb images posted therein.
Makes me want to visit your part of the world sometime.
Thank you, Gavin! Much appreciated.