The salmon are spawning.

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I have spent the past few days trying to capture a good sockeye photo in the river across the street. Captive audience, but more difficult than I thought it would be. This is my favorite one so far. The morning light had just struck the river. Fella on the left is chasing the other one away from a nest being tended by a female. Watched this fish for a while. His general approach was a head but directed at any other fish that got too near. Usually the eye and jawline stay under water, but this time I caught the eye, jaw and snout right at the the moment of strike.

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I don't have one, but it is tempting to order and try.
I spent a ridiculous amount on a drop in CPF for my 180-400 and haven't used it once, even in a test, since I've not had an opportunity where it would have added anything! A friend photographs fish in water often and uses a polorizer often with cool results!