The shadow knows

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Honey bee on cosmos, Secunda Duck Pond ~ D3S; 70-200 F/2.8 + 1.4 TC; F/8; 1/3200; ISO 1000
D3S 10584W.jpg
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Not lazy, I imagine you spend a lot of time on the road doing what you do best. Taking bloody good photos. I just wished I had half your talent.
Not lazy, I imagine you spend a lot of time on the road doing what you do best. Taking bloody good photos. I just wished I had half your talent.
I wish, If I only could, I surely would . . . you know the song. I have more images than I have time to fix them, and as you are aware, summer is here. We never have real spring here, I assume you also sort of go from winter into the hot weather. So there is a garden calling, and a grand daughter calling too, and life. We have a resident pair of Black Eagles in Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens, Roodepoort. (Verreaux's Eagle). The chick is fledged and flying. So went this morning to see if I could shoot then. Sometimes, one is lucky, sometimes, you just get a few images not realy worth a second view. Today was so-so. have a great evening