There is a reason it is called "Golden Hour"

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When photographing anything, whether it be birds or whatever, one of the primary things that determine the appeal of the photo is the quality of light present. Generally speaking for an hour or so after dawn and before dusk, the light is of the highest quality-it is pretty. Colors take on a magical quality. That is why we get up really early in the morning (well before sun up) to we can catch that light. This picture was taken in Cabin Lake, Oregon. Deb and I had arrived and set up our blind in the dark and then waited (in 20 degree weather-don't think I did not hear about that). These sparrows, 2 White-crowned females and 1 Golden-crowned male, showed up and sat in this branch for some time. They were waiting for the sun to rise and warm them. We love the colors.
The colors have not been enhanced. I did clone out an OOF bird on the right side.
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When photographing anything, whether it be birds or whatever, one of the primary things that determine the appeal of the photo is the quality of light present. Generally speaking for an hour or so after dawn and before dusk, the light is of the highest quality-it is pretty. Colors take on a magical quality.

This is an excellent demonstration of the quality of the light during the golden hour. The Photopills ap gives the times for the golden hour as well as the blue hour for any location and date. For today at my location in the Chicago area, the blue hour begins at 6:15 a.m. and ends at 6:26 a.m., at which time the golden hour begins. Sunrise is at 6:45 and the golden hour ends at 7:28 a.m. The sequence is reversed in the evening.

This is an excellent demonstration of the quality of the light during the golden hour. The Photopills ap gives the times for the golden hour as well as the blue hour for any location and date. For today at my location in the Chicago area, the blue hour begins at 6:15 a.m. and ends at 6:26 a.m., at which time the golden hour begins. Sunrise is at 6:45 and the golden hour ends at 7:28 a.m. The sequence is reversed in the evening.

I use a similar app, "Golden Hour". That magical time does not last very long. Have to have some luck to get the birds to cooperate during that short window.
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