This Unbelievable Optical Illusion is Just One Photo

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When I saw the photo I thought it was taken in the Netherlands, or maybe in Northern France, before I read the accompanying text (it is taken in the Netherlands).
The straight lines of human-made structures like roads, canals, lines of trees etc. in a flat landscape are very common in many parts of the Netherlands. Whether this photo is photo-shopped I can't tell, but I fully believe it can be an actual non-manipulated photo because I have often seen such a landscape.
When I originally looked at the pictures, I thought they were AI-generated images. I have seen many human-manufactured lines which make great images, even taken a couple of [pictures I like a lot. The images here seemed improbably perfect and disturbing optically. I had to conclude that they were pictures made by humans, which took longer than anticipated. AI is to the point that human eyes have no better chance 50/50 guessing between real and AI-generated. The odds would be much worse if we had to choose from 100 mixed images. I posted a new link here with several AI and image creation articles.