Thwack !!

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Well-known member
I'm not really sure what I think about with this shot. Torn between Iso and speed Iso won and the result was a little on the slow side.
Please let me know what you thoughts good or bad. thanks
bcg Kingfisher b--11_filtered.jpg
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I like the raindrops but I believe I would have opted for a little more speed to get a sharper image of the bird and fish. When in a situation like this, I like to take a few shots at different exposures and choose the best option. However, I know these little guys don't sit around very long!
I love it when everything comes arresting subject in beautiful light at a lovely location. However, because my personal priority is observing and capturing interesting behaviors, I will continue to click the shutter as long as conditions enable my camera to autofocus. Some of my most memorable images look like pointillist paintings. :)

I set ISO to auto; I manually set shutter and aperture to what I can handhold (or what my tripod can best allow for the given subject). As an opportunity develops I continue to refine my settings to improve image quality. Of course, the risk is always that the subject will suddenly change its behavior and make all my refined settings irrelevant.

I can't immediately find the quote, but here's a paraphrase of something I once read.

If people are looking at the digital noise in your photo, your subject isn't interesting enough.
Grateful Thanks guys for your honest opinions.
I,m fairly new to manual shooting with auto Iso after using Ap for quite some years.
I should have raised my speed looking back.
Gordon you have inadvertently answered another question I had.
The image has already been ‘cleaned’ with another program.
Me thinks I should invest in Topaz Denoise though.
Thanks again all, Cheerz Robin :rolleyes: