Tiger in its natural habitat - Jim Corbett National Park

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I don't mean this to be offensive, but something seems unnatural about the photo. The tiger appears to be too bright and sharp and contrasty compared to the rest of the scene. I am curious, did you isolate the tiger in software and process it separately from the rest of the scene?
No problem at all. There's very minor post processing involved in this image, just some minor adjustments in curves tool and that's about it..no selective editing. May be it's because of the direction of light..it wasn't exactly side light but slightly above, which makes the foliage appear a bit darker..

I don't mean this to be offensive, but something seems unnatural about the photo. The tiger appears to be too bright and sharp and contrasty compared to the rest of the scene. I am curious, did you isolate the tiger in software and process it separately from the rest of the scene?