Tiger leech

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Tiger Leech (Philaemon grandis) 56mm+ length.

One of about 12 different types of leeches in Tasmania.

An interesting use being proposed for leeches :- https://tasmaniangeographic.com/applied-cryptozoology-using-leeches-to-locate-the-thylacine/

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Well, that is an interesting use of leeches for sure. While it would incredible if they could find evidence of a thylacine, Southeast Asia has a shortage of data for the population of tigers and other animals and an abundance of leeches. Not as flashy as camera trap pictures, but it would be nice to know more about how many of them are out there. Had to laugh when I read " Terrestrial Haemadipsidae leeches ... are ideal for this method, due to their diverse prey base and readiness to attack humans, making them easy to collect" I can just imagine a bunch of field workers walking bare legged through the jungle and stopping every 10 minutes or so to pick leeches off themselves.
I am only familiar with the short stubby ones here in Victoria. I had 14 on my legs after a bushwalking once. I didn't know until I went to have a shower once I got home.