Today's bugs

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I went to the site of an ancient sand dune and found these bugs there.

Dogbane Leaf Beetle, Chrysochus auratus
R7_D3296 Dogbane Leaf Beetle, Chrysochus auratus.jpg
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Unknown kind of bee
R7_D3402 Bee.jpg
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A few more from the same outing.

Milkweed Bug, Lygaeus kalmii.

R7_D3429 Milkweed Bug, Lygaeus kalmii.jpg
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Robber fly - Dioctria sp, eyeball-to-eyeball with its victim.

R7_D3345 Robber fly - Dioctria sp.jpg
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Milkweed beetle, Tetraopes sp. Note its antenna splits its eye.

R7_D3323-24 Tetraopes stack.jpg
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And still more.

Spider Wasp, Anoplius.
R7_D3421 Spider Wasp, Anoplius.jpg
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R7_D3325 Fly.jpg
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Caddisfly, Chimmara.
R7_D3290 Caddisfly - Chimarra sp.jpg
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Clouded Plant Bug
R7_D3319 Clouded Plant Bug.jpg
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