Together or alone?

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Supporting Member
Here are three photos I took of the White Crowned Black Wheatear, Oenanthe Leucopyga....My question for you is, does the OOF mate in the background add to the story or is it just a distraction. At the time of shooting I was uncertain so I took some with and some without, also with a varying DOF.
141 WCBW copy.jpg
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I like the first one. To me it has a good balanced composition between the two birds, and the second bird definitely adds interest to the story. Without the second bird, the background is a bit bland. I think it could be improved a bit by cropping in some, possibly going vertical by cropping left and right. I would experiment with that and also opening up the dark shadows to see more eye and feather detail in the close bird . Great potential, thanks for showing.
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I like the third one best, even though it is a close call, I might would experiment with lightening then adjusting contrast in shadows and highlights. This is a very interesting photograph. Tb
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