Too many birds on a stick…

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David Berry

🇦🇺 Australia 🦘
Always room for one more…

Little Black Cormorant : Phalacrocorax sulcirostris
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Canon R5m2 | RF 200–800
260 mm | ƒ/6.4 | 1/2500s | ISO 12800
30 frames/second | pre-continuous raw | ±9 metres
DxO PR4 | LrC

Little Black Cormorant : Phalacrocorax sulcirostris
Enoggera Reservoir : Brisbane, Queensland

I was tired: at 7:20 in the morning! Well, I had driven the car for an hour to reach Brisbane Forest Park, and there slung a backpack on and started a ramble — 'struggle' might be a more apt word —through the woods. After about an hour, I spied a zig-zag trail leading down to the reservoir and a perfect breakfast site. Like others, I intended to ignore the trail and follow the improvised beeline route. The authorities were not going to tolerate that! A politely worded sign requested: Please don't disturb this protected snake habitat. I was persuaded to do the 'right thing'.

At the lake's edge I unpacked a jar of bircher muesli, a flask of hot chocolate, a banana, monopod with gimbal head, R5m2 and the RF 200–800.

Right next to this spot, a dead tree lay three-quarters submerged. Five Little Black Cormorants were lined up, drying themselves in the morning sun. Of course, there's always room for one more! The sixth bird alighted on the dead branch, flapping wings and soaking its companions.

It was a good start to the second day of October!

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Love your struggle up to pot of gold at the end of the road, David. I take it no Pitta? ;)
These guys have great eyes when the light is right. Nice shot.