Topaz Photo AI vs On1 No Noice

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Yes, I use both and they are integrated into my workflow. FWIW, before I offer any comments you should really consider downloading trial versions and see how they perform for yourself. First, Topaz has orphaned their high-quality Denoise AI in favor of Photo AI. The later offers a streamlined workflow with the ability to apply various functions including local/global adjustments including sharpening, noise reduction, upscaling, object removal, etc. My dig on Photo AI is that they compromised some of their NR models compared to their legacy software. In fact, I still use Denoise AI for certain tricky images. With respect to NoNoise AI, it is strictly a sharpening/NR plug-in. Its defaults are terrible (as are Topaz) and I have to tweak them for each image. Both programs are guilty of creating artifact and it's really a wash IMHO. Apart from a better, more functional UI and the added features, I find that Photo AI does not do as good of a job with color noise removal compared to NoNoise for high ISO images. In addition, I give the nod to NoNoise with respect to RAW NR because one can adjust all of the parameters of applied NR (color, luminance, microsharpening, etc.), whereas with Photo AI, one can only adjust a global "strength". Photo AI exports RAW files as DNG's which is a negative in my book.

So, how do I use these programs in my workflow? Generally, I use NoNoise AI as a first step NR software after opening the initial RAW file. I don't use the sharpening features (turn them off), and adjust the luminance and color sliders based on the image. In most cases, this is a first pass, I am working to reduce the overall noise, balancing NR vs. loss of detail. My preference is to leave a little bit of noise rather than sacrificing detail. Next, I apply whatever edits to the file and when I am finished, I'll usually export the file, be it a .tiff or .jpg to Photo AI for final NR/Sharpening. I know this may seem a bit convoluted and you'll obviously find the solution which works best for you. If you're operating in LR/PS then I don't know if you really need either of these software solutions.