Travel Dock

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Hmm, this might be useful for connecting up to my M4 iPad Pro while traveling.

Not sure that I would want to do the kickstarter though, rather than look for something similar that's already available. 🤷‍♂️
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I use a matchbook sized USB C hub and it lets me connect 2 USB drives and power nicely with the TB drive attached direct to my M1 MBP. I'm going to carry two card readers on. travel anyway usually and have no need to connect video out…so this isn't for me. If it was…as noted CalDigit has similar devices already out.
I just completed a trip using my M2 IPad Pro as the only computer I had with me for reviewing and possibly backing up card images.

I tried to get answers from the Apple store but did not find the information I needed before I left. What i had in the way of a hub was a Belkin device that simply did not work adequately.

There is a very definite need for a decent hub that works with an IPad. Based on what was reported elsewhere on this site i ordered the Cal Digit hub which is advertised as explicitly compatible with the IPad Pro. I should have it Monday. I feel reasonably confident that it will fit the bill.

I will report back and may have questions once I get it and put it through its paces.