Tripods - Surui W-2004 vs Really Right Stuff TFC-34L Mark 2

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Before trading in my Surui W-2004 tripod for the RRS TFC-34L Mark 2 I'm wondering if anyone out there has had experience with both and have any opinion concerning whether one is substantially better than the other. They both weigh 4.6 pounds. So, the question seems to be, is one substantially more stable than the other making a trade worth it. Regardless, I will be purchasing the RRS quick release Lever clamps for both the head and the camera. Any information out there concerning compatibility with Surui products. I've been in touch with RRS and they do not know. Thanks.
I have the Surui W-2204 which I think is the carbon fiber version of what you have. I was very happy with it . . . until I bought a RRS TVC-33 tripod with the BH-55 lever release ballhead. The difference in workmanship, stability and durability are like night and day. There is a reason the RRS tripods cost so much. Now, will the RRS tripod really affect the quality of your photographs. Questionable whether you would notice a difference. But the RRS is such a joy to use that, for me, it improves the overall experience. And it will last a lifetime. I still use both depending on the circumstances, but the Surui is starting to show its age. It's about 4 years old. By the way, I bought my RRS tripod used and that helped with the sticker shock a little bit. Good luck with your decision.
I have the Surui W-2204 which I think is the carbon fiber version of what you have. I was very happy with it . . . until I bought a RRS TVC-33 tripod with the BH-55 lever release ballhead. The difference in workmanship, stability and durability are like night and day. There is a reason the RRS tripods cost so much. Now, will the RRS tripod really affect the quality of your photographs. Questionable whether you would notice a difference. But the RRS is such a joy to use that, for me, it improves the overall experience. And it will last a lifetime. I still use both depending on the circumstances, but the Surui is starting to show its age. It's about 4 years old. By the way, I bought my RRS tripod used and that helped with the sticker shock a little bit. Good luck with your decision.
Thank you for the information. Very helpful as I continue the debate with myself!
You should read this before you make your final decision on which RRS tripod to get. Its quite detailed and through.

Extremely helpful. Thank you
I bought a Surui W-1204 that I was initially really happy with. I bought a second one to hold a spotting scope. I also bought their gimbal head for the camera and their fluid head for the scope. However, after using them for about a year now, I'm less enthusiastic about them. You need to constantly be tightening up the various screwed parts. I've lost feet, plates come loose constantly, and the gimbal head can be jerky when trying to shoot video. I'll probably replace them within the next year or so.
I bought a Surui W-1204 that I was initially really happy with. I bought a second one to hold a spotting scope. I also bought their gimbal head for the camera and their fluid head for the scope. However, after using them for about a year now, I'm less enthusiastic about them. You need to constantly be tightening up the various screwed parts. I've lost feet, plates come loose constantly, and the gimbal head can be jerky when trying to shoot video. I'll probably replace them within the next year or so.
Thanks. What started my search was the same problem you describe-loose plates, difficulty setting up, etc. I’m going with the RRS tripod, lever locking clamps, and I’m going to bite the bullet and get the Wimberley gimbal head. I’ll have no more excuses out in the field (at least related to set up).