Tsavo East sunset

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Returning to camp, as rain was heading in on the horizon I saw this tree (with a secretary bird roosting in it) and was struck by the sunbeams from the sun that because of the equator, was low on the horizon

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Stunning! This kind of atmospheric condition combined with a perfect symetry is awesome; in Quebec, we have a french word for this atmospheric phenomenon: ''Pieds-de-vent''.
John, I’m sorry, just have to reply again, I find that shot just captivating! The blue & the gold, along with the clouds & sun bursts. Exquisite!
Hi Bill, many thanks for your very kind comments, it was a shot just asking to get taken as we drove past. I started concentrating on wildlife but i do like landscapes which I am beginning to explore a bit more. Still learning about post processing and conscious of the tendency to over cook this gs. Learning curve is fun though. Making me think of stretching to a D850....