Tufted Duck Run!

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I know it's quite a common little duck in a lot of places, but I rarely ever see them where I live in England so when I do I just love watching them & any images I get is a bonus.

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I really like this capture. It gives you the sense of the speed and effort being undertaken to take off. The composition is perfect with the splash marks to the rear. I endeavor to capture something like this some day.
While I like the capture, to me the balance of the image seems wrong . Perhaps a but too much out of focus above and below. Maybe a letterbox type crop would suit it more?
While I like the capture, to me the balance of the image seems wrong . Perhaps a but too much out of focus above and below. Maybe a letterbox type crop would suit it more?
Not to detract from the excellence of the shot, in a look back after the above comment, the foreground is a bit distracting with being too much out of focus. Since it was pointed out, it does draw my eye away from the subject. Great photo still.