Turning on a dime - Lion

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A Kalahari lion getting up from his siesta ~ early morning at Rooiputs, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
D4; 600 F/4 + 1,4 TC; F/8; 1/1250; ISO 640

00646 18X12W D4 8782.jpg
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Like it. Interesting how small the hindquarters look in comparison to his front. I know they're smaller in real life, but they're also closer. Anyhow, good job. :)
:oops::rolleyes:o_O:sneaky: ~ Thank you guys for butting inπŸ€—
I have posted the continuation of the turn in a new post, which I was shooting, just looking at his turning movement while snapping away, never considering the what artifacts may show up!😜
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