Two minutes with a Belted Kingfisher

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Two minutes with a Female Belted Kingfisher. She was north of Hannibal, Mo not far from the Mississippi River, working a small stream of water that flows to the river. She poops, expels a pellet and dives, trying for a fish and gets a stick instead, before flying off. Canon R5 MKII and RF 200-800. Also used RF 2X with the 200-800 on last 2/3 of video. 4k
Cool video! Love kingfishers but they are hard to get photos let alone video. So the last part is slowed down by 50%? Amazing how fast they are!
Thank You! No, it is all at full speed. I was not expecting a kingfisher and was at 30 fps. They are fast, for sure. I had never got a video of a dive and return before.