Unknown cool spider

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Well-known member
Spider unknown 500_9238.jpg
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Where you found this and what size it was would be helpful.
At a glance I'm thinking it's either a Wolf spider, or maybe (on a long-shot), a Striped Fishing spider (Dolomedes scriptus)
Hi Icarus, first off lovely shot with beautiful detail. Nice to see a little love for spiders. So not sure where in the world this was taken, I’m thinking UK or Europe. the habitat looks to be a dryish area.
Being a largish specimen points to being a male Arctosa cinerea.
If this was photographed in UK, It might be worth reporting . Bare in mind it’s my best guess only Cheerz Robin.
Thanks all for comments. This spider was probably about 1 1/2 to 2 inches. Photographed at Lake Havasu along the Colorado River in Arizona, USA, last week. Shot
using the 500PF on a D500, got as close as I could and then cropped a lot!
North America (Arizona) makes sense then, it's probably a Wolf Spider, check on Hogna carolinensis, or Arctosa littoralis. You'll probably have to do some digging for the exact species. They can get quite large, and can bite, but are relatively harmless to humans.
BTW: I forgot to mention, this is a great shot, nice detail.
North America (Arizona) makes sense then, it's probably a Wolf Spider, check on Hogna carolinensis, or Arctosa littoralis. You'll probably have to do some digging for the exact species. They can get quite large, and can bite, but are relatively harmless to humans.
BTW: I forgot to mention, this is a great shot, nice detail.
I've got a good spider book, I'll see if I can find it. My problem is I know so little, a really good spider book doesn't help me much, but at least now I know where to start. Thank you. I'll post it if I figure it out. :)
North America (Arizona) makes sense then, it's probably a Wolf Spider, check on Hogna carolinensis, or Arctosa littoralis. You'll probably have to do some digging for the exact species. They can get quite large, and can bite, but are relatively harmless to humans.
BTW: I forgot to mention, this is a great shot, nice detail.
Arctosa littoralis looks good if the size is right. My book shows 12.8 mm and I'm mm challenged, but looked it up and that converts to 1/2 inch. That works if the body is all that is measured, but if legs are included, would be too small. Looked Arcosa Littoralis up on Bugguide.net and found a spider looking exactly like this one that was in AZ, so know
they're here. Thanks for your help. :)