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Hello everyone. When I travel and want to download my cards I do it directly to a notebook, but carrying it in the luggage is expensive and uncomfortable given its weight and volume, so here is my need for information, since apparently I am somewhat behind in the development of technology. Let me explain, is there some type of external hard drive - not like the common ones - that can "read and save" the files directly from the "camera or card" without needing the notebook? If it exists, please recommend me which one. Thank you so much.
There are a number of threads here on that you can search for. The standalone products you are searching for have ceased production. You didn't really indicate what you are doing with them after downloading: editing or just backup. If backup, what storage options do you have. Some people merely copy to a second card and take that with them. You also should tell us what cards you are using CFe or SD or other.
There are a number of threads here on that you can search for. The standalone products you are searching for have ceased production. You didn't really indicate what you are doing with them after downloading: editing or just backup. If backup, what storage options do you have. Some people merely copy to a second card and take that with them. You also should tell us what cards you are using CFe or SD or other.
Thank you very much for your answer. Logically, after we take a photo and save it the next thing is to edit it, it wouldn't make sense - at least for me - to just save it. As for the cards I use, they are those of the Nikon D850: CFExpress, XQD, SD. Thanks again.
Hello everyone. When I travel and want to download my cards I do it directly to a notebook, but carrying it in the luggage is expensive and uncomfortable given its weight and volume, so here is my need for information, since apparently I am somewhat behind in the development of technology. Let me explain, is there some type of external hard drive - not like the common ones - that can "read and save" the files directly from the "camera or card" without needing the notebook? If it exists, please recommend me which one. Thank you so much.
Short answer…yes, such devices are available. Longer answer…they're not cheap and reliability is somewhat suspect based on assorted reports seen on the web. Better answer if you don't want to carry a laptop but have an iPad (or an android tablet) is to take the tablet along with a card reader, small hub, and external SSD like a Samsung T7 or equivalent and copy the cards to the SSD. The tablet also lets you do some minor editing if needed.