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This visitor was hanging around the Magic Hedge, Montrose Harbor (area of the City of Chicago). I saw him being mobbed several times. Eventually he caught a squirrel (no good images of that). Did a bit of PS to clean up the image and semi-painterly look. Thoughts, suggestions?

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Everyone has different tastes and don't get me wrong, it's a great shot, but if it were my pic, and to satisfy my tastes, I would increase the exp a hair, and lighten up on the black a bit. Certain areas look a little too dark/blotchy instead of showing detail. I would also increase the vibrance a so the color pops a little to give the pic a little more life. Do you know what kind of hawk it is? It's very beautiful.
Everyone has different tastes and don't get me wrong, it's a great shot, but if it were my pic, and to satisfy my tastes, I would increase the exp a hair, and lighten up on the black a bit. Certain areas look a little too dark/blotchy instead of showing detail. I would also increase the vibrance a so the color pops a little to give the pic a little more life. Do you know what kind of hawk it is? It's very beautiful.
Hi Kirk

Thanks for your thoughts. I can see what you are saying.

This is Red-tailed Hawk as far as I know.

Look like you have a great friend (pet). our golden is 12+ and really slowing down.
Nice shot, does need to be lightened up a bit for my taste. You might consider removing the branch at the bottom which takes the eye out of the picture.