Upgrade of camera

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I am learning photography since last 4 to 5 years. My preferred area is wildlife and bird photography.

I am currently using Canon 7D Mark II with 100 to 400 Canon sense. I am thinking of upgrading my photography gear and purchase Nikon 850D with for a time being, 200 to 500 Nikkor sense. I may upgrade the lease to 500 prime after some time. in future

Please advice is it a good option or some other option that may be considered within this parameter.


I have a D850 with the 200-500mm 5.6. It's a brilliant combination. The 200-500 is not just very affordable but in conjunction with the hi-res D850 gives you the option to crop insanely without losing any clarity. You get 750mm using it as a crop sensor camera. The only thing is at max 5.6 you may need to use a tripod in low light. The 500PF will surely be better but it is next to impossible to get one here in India.
I enjoy my D850 and Nikon 200-500mm. I am not a pro but feel free to look through my flickr page in sig line. The exif info is listed for each photo
Hi Raghunath, the D850 is a very very good camera. I bought one earlier this year and I think it's the best camera I've ever had in terms of the balance in specs. The only downside of it is that the AF sometimes cannot keep up with (fast) flying birds. It depends on the situation, but sometimes it has problems locking on and/or following focus through. But you will still have some keepers.
I'm likely in the minority, but I think the D500 is a better choice for most wildlife photography than the D850. The huge buffer, 10fps, crop sensor and superior autofocus being the reasons.