Upper Falls of the Yellowstone

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My take on the iconic Upper Falls of the Yellowstone River, on a cool, rainy day in August.

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Beautiful photo, you nailed that one. Just curious, do you have any idea what caused the green streak on the left side just below the lip of the falls.

It'll run green when it's not frothing as that's the color of the water going over the edge. You probably have a trough of smooth running there on and off during the exposure.

It's a wonderful capture, just a shame a couple spots are blown out. The valley sides are almost too detailed and textured for me - they keep pulling my eye off the falls. A little blur tool over the sides and careful use of the clone stamp on the falls and it's perfect for me. Beautiful composition.
My take on the iconic Upper Falls of the Yellowstone River, on a cool, rainy day in August.

View attachment 25547
Very nice, Clark. If I might suggest a slightly different exposure to eliminate the overexposure of part of the falls where there is no detail whatsoever. Also, a little less contrast would render the foreground a little more realistic. The size of the picture is a little too large so I can't see the whole picture without scrolling.

Nice image, Clark. Others have mentioned the hot spots on the falls. As someone already mentioned it's hard to fully appreciate due to the large size of the posted image. So much for the forum limiting size to 800 vertical px :rolleyes:
Beautiful image Clark.

As posted above the green is just water that's flowing without being aerated into the white froth, pretty much just a thick stream of water over the lip.

Also I second reposting this to be around 700 or 800 pixels tall, even zoomed out as far as Safari will let me I have to scroll up and down the image to take it all in which detracts from such a wonderful photo.

Great job in fantastic light to capture both the falls and the iconic yellow canyon walls. Good composition choice to leave out the sky which can be problematic on overcast days up there. Great work!