- Post score: 11
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Hello everyone. As part of my recovery from cognitive damage done by COVID-19, I am supposed to spend more time outdoors and in nature. My doctors also recommended I retake by hobby of snapping bad photos. Worse yet, they have asked that I start sharing them with others as doing so might bring about conversations outside of what I usually talk about (mostly work); this is part of what I am supposed to do to help my brain reboot.
Anyway, I thought I would try to follow my doctor's orders by asking here a question based on a bad photo. It was taken a few days ago during a visit to the Chapada dos Veadeiros national park in Brazil. One day at dawn, the fog made everything look in shades of yellow, orange, and, to a lesser extent, red/ish. I did not have time to go to a spot with a great view, so I took a couple of snaps where I was.
Anyway, my question is related to the attached photo. First is a slight crop of what the camera recorded. The second image is what I remember seeing. So I wonder what would be the more "honest" image, what the camera recorded or what I remember seeing (note: one of my post covid issues is related to visual challenges related to contrast and color gradation perception)
More importantly, if this had been in a better spot, how much touch up –if any at all– would you do?
My apologies if my question does not make sense.
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