Using Canon FD mount 800mm lens with an R7 or R5 Canon body

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Robert S

Well-known member
Has anyone here used FD mount lenses on a Canon mirrorless body?
I have myself sorted as far as lenses go other than extreme focal length.
There are 800mm FD mount lenses on ebay for less than Aus $2500. These are manual focus with no image stabilization.
I would use the lens with a mount adapter. Not bothered about focusing at infinity, 50m would be plenty.
Hopefully the lens could be used with an Extender.

Any info appreciated.
Has anyone here used FD mount lenses on a Canon mirrorless body?
I have myself sorted as far as lenses go other than extreme focal length.
There are 800mm FD mount lenses on ebay for less than Aus $2500. These are manual focus with no image stabilization.
I would use the lens with a mount adapter. Not bothered about focusing at infinity, 50m would be plenty.
Hopefully the lens could be used with an Extender.

Any info appreciated.
Give it a try! I cine-moded a couple of FDs for my Sony using Simmod. They no longer provide the service but I think you can buy parts. The FDs are very popular and some are silly expensive. They are of the same optical design at the K35 (talk about crazy expensive) and often get rehoused.
Give it a try! I cine-moded a couple of FDs for my Sony using Simmod. They no longer provide the service but I think you can buy parts. The FDs are very popular and some are silly expensive. They are of the same optical design at the K35 (talk about crazy expensive) and often get rehoused.
Thanks for the info Nimi. K35 lenses are interesting. As you say crazy prices.
I can already get good results with a Canon 100-400 Mk2 and Sigma 2x Extender. Hand held the result in good light is excellent.
Within a week I will know if the combo can be extended by adding a 1.4 Extender to the 2x Extender.
My reason for considering the Canon 800mm FD or FDn whatever is that I could use it with my 5Ds on a tripod. It would not be possible to use it hand held.
Anyway I'm not about to do anything until I have better idea as to what it is I'm doing.
Had a sleep and been thinking. The Canon 800mm FD is hard to find in good condition. I will only be using the system on a tripod so weight etc no problem.
I have a Sinar 4x5 that does nothing at the moment. I am able to use an EF mount with it. Originally I set it up for a Pentax 645 then got an adapter EF to Pentax medium format.
If I can find a suitable lens [ preferably already attached to a 4x5 plate ] I'm instantly in business.
Maybe a Rodenstock.
What do you think?