Using FTZ II with teleconverters

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Finally got my Z8 a couple of months ago and encountered several weirdnesses, such as refusing to focus, metering errors, etc. I was baffled until a pattern emerged — all the F-mount lenses that had problems dated from the last century!! My 500 mm PF worked well until I tried my teleconverter with it, and the teleconverter dates back to the 90s. So I sold the old lenses, including the teleconverter, but I have one question left. Is there any problem with the sequence

camera — Z-mount TC — FTZ — F-mount lens

compared to the sequence

camera — FTZ — F-mount TC — F-mount lens?

I hope that there isn’t, because the first option means I will need only one TC for all the lenses.

Upgrading lenses is not a bad thing. I also had a 600 mm f/4 from 1997. It weighed 14 pounds, and I aged 25 years since then, and it was getting pretty unwieldy. The optical quality was great though, as is that of the 500 PF which has a QUARTER of the weight. Love it.