Vista Tower With Alliums

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Had a great time posting on the BCG Forums a few weeks ago. Lot's of real photographers who are very engaged in the art. Here is another contribution.
Really nice pre-visualization and execution! Maybe consider removing the white flowers along the bottom edge (or a slight crop) which pull the eye down.
Beautiful shot! I also looked at your Flickr page. You have a wonderful collection! I am interested in the camera, lens, and settings used for your image. Usually they are shown with posted images, but I don’t see the info with yours.
I noticed the buildings are leaning towards the right a bit which bothered me a little but that's an easy fix, I could drink a six pack and correct that. :D Other than that it's a wonderful image. Very colorful and vibrant with a lot of interesting things.
Hi Everyone,

Great fun reading all the comments here! Thanks for sending them along!

Rookie Roy, this photo was shot with the Nikon D850 and the 24-70 f/2.8 lens at 35mm. Settings were 1/20 sec at f/22. ISO 400. This is a focus stack.