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Mal Paso

Well-known member
Supporting Member
I was getting in my car when 3 vultures landed in front of me. Of course the long lens was in the house on the other side of the vultures so this is the Z7ii with the 24-200 at 200. lol I kept to the shadows but they didn't like me though I was well below them and 70 feet away. It really depends on the bird. I got 7 frames before they left. Some vultures Winter in Mexico and some hang around all year, these may have been tourists.

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There were 8 here today but were too far and didn't stay. They love to fly and are daredevils. They often fly by my windows 8-10 feet from the house. The second one is likely older judging by the erosion of the nasal passages. You can see a patch of sky through them. Bacteria from carrion does that as well as the loss of head feathers. They can ride the thermals for hours or pull in their wings and dive so fast you hear them coming then flash past.