Warbler in the bushes

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These small warblers are constantly moving, always in the bushes and as soon as you get closer, they are gone. It took me hours, hundreds of pics and a lot of patience to get this one sharp shot, utilizing the last post from Steve's tips on birds. I hope you like it, my first in this forum (D7000, 1/4000, ISO 6400, 900 mm with Sigma 150-600/5,0-6,3 DG OS HSM Sports. I used Neat Image in Photoshop to reduce the noise and had to crop a lot too. But I like the way he seems to be studying me. Feedback is always welcome, since I still have a lot to learn.



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But I like the way he seems to be studying me. Feedback is always welcome
I love the pose and the tilt of the head. Also really nice catch light with that glance down your way.

Nice image and yeah, these little guys are super tough. I see warblers of various kinds all the time but they're here, there, and gone in an instant or deep in the brush without a clear line of sight most of the time.

Nice job!