Warming Up

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Warming Up.jpg
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Thanks, truly ya work with what ya got! 😉
After taking a couple of "insurance shots", maybe take a few shots after framing the bird in camera with more room in the direction it is looking. The viewer's eye goes in the direction the subject is looking. In this case, out of the frame. Even better is to spend a bit of time observing the bird and hopefully it will turn its head toward you for a better head angle.
I would've liked this better if the bird were facing left.
Thirty seconds: that's how long it took to 'fix'! No kidding.

The bakground is so smooth that the image can be extended to the right using content-aware crop in Photoshop. Easy! (Just say the word, if you'd like to see how to do it.)

Lovely photo, A.
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After taking a couple of "insurance shots", maybe take a few shots after framing the bird in camera with more room in the direction it is looking. The viewer's eye goes in the direction the subject is looking. In this case, out of the frame. Even better is to spend a bit of time observing the bird and hopefully it will turn its head toward you for a better head angle.
I hear ya and often put more room in front for that reason but I have a gut check when I pic images and post process about how the image makes me feel. My eye draws to color, texture, actions and environment that influences my final image result too.
Thirty seconds: that's how long it took to 'fix'! No kidding.

The bakground is so smooth that the image can be extended to the right using content-aware crop in Photoshop. Easy! (Just say the word, if you'd like to see how to do it.)

Lovely photo, A.
Thank you David, I will think about that going forward. I’ve used content aware to remove small distractions in an image but not to gain more real estate. Would love to know how you do it! Thanks again
It would also be possibly if you were inclined to move the stump on the left to the right, or to invert the bird and log to face the other way. Or it's fine the way it is too.
Ok you’re freaking me out, wow that’s crazy. 😮
  1. Make sure that Content-Aware is ticked.
  2. Crop off the left so that all of the left post is removed.
  3. Pull the left edge a little to the left.
  4. Pull the right edge far to the right.
  5. Maybe, adjust top and other sides so that bird's eye is where the 'rule of thirds' (top & left) intersect.
  1. Make sure that Content-Aware is ticked.
  2. Crop off the left so that all of the left post is removed.
  3. Pull the left edge a little to the left.
  4. Pull the right edge far to the right.
  5. Maybe, adjust top and other sides so that bird's eye is where the 'rule of thirds' (top & left) intersect.
Thanks for the info. I don’t think I’ll change the image per my previous comments, but will keep it in mind going forward. I’m aware of the “rule of thirds” but also like to bend them…it’s part of what makes us individuals, yes?