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In the US buteos are hawks, in other countries they're buzzards and in the US there is no such thing as a buzzard, they're vultures.
Thanks for your explanation and I also took a look and got the following explanation: Family name of the buzzard is Buteo buteo and from the hawk the family name is Accipiter gentilis.
Not buzzards. Defiantly hawks . Look for photos online of the two.
There are also Buteo's in the US, like Buteo regalis (Ferruginous Hawk), Buteo jamaicensis (Red-tailed Hawk), along with several other Buteos. Accipiters in the US are Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, Northern Goshawk, and Gyrfalcon.
OOPS! Gyrfalcon is US's largest falcon, NOT an accipiter. We only have three accipiters. Woke up in the middle of the night and realized my error!