Watching Me Watching You --- Jaguar, Three Brothers River, Pantanal Brazil.

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Large male "chilling" on the river bank, this was one of three who controlled this riverine territory --- all were known to the guides by their individual facial spot markings and this one was named "Adriano". Their favorite prey is preferentially Yacare Caiman followed by Capybara, both of whom are plentiful in this area. Our boatman struggled to keep us steady in the current whilst holding the boat beyond "jumping" distance ! Taken with Nikon D7000 and Tamron 70-300mm @ 300mm. ISO 800, 1/250 sec..

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Yacare Caiman --- Growing up to 3 metres, these Crocs are killed by the Jaguar with a single bite through the skull , quick and devastating--- other big cats generally suffocate their larger prey by attacking the throat, but this is slower and can lead to injuries from the victim's flailing head or limbs. Notice here the presence of very small babies, highly unusual to see them among adults who tend to be cannibalistic (apart from the mother) and may indicate the abundance of alternative large prey, especially fish.

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Capybara --- The world's largest rodent up to 60 Kg in weight, has to spend a lot of time in the water to keep its skin moist, has webbed feet and can stay submerged for up to 5 mins.. This family were in a defensive formation on a sandbar, and if "spooked" would have rushed into the river --- however, this suits the water loving Jaguar whose attack would seldom fail with this prey.
I am really enjoying these photos. Lucky you catching that jaguar! And, thank you for the commentary which I always find interesting
Thanks Kathy G --- I gained a PhD in Zoology, but never really used it, except now when I take these pics, and then the old scientific training kicks in and I feel obliged to pass on any relevant info : glad you appreciate it !
Thanks Kathy G --- I gained a PhD in Zoology, but never really used it, except now when I take these pics, and then the old scientific training kicks in and I feel obliged to pass on any relevant info : glad you appreciate it !
Lol, that’s a lot of education Gottshotz for ‘not using it’. I suspect you use it far more often than you realize. Now we all know who to ask when we have questions about animals! :)