Waxwings in the snow

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Heard a racket outside the kitchen window and looked out to see our snowy crabapple tree jumping with Waxwings coming in for some late winter sustenance. The trick wasn't finding a subject, it was isolating one or a small group in all the chaos.

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Heard a racket outside the kitchen window and looked out to see our snowy crabapple tree jumping with Cedar Waxwings coming in for some late winter sustenance. The trick wasn't finding a subject, it was isolating one or a small group in all the chaos.

View attachment 56406
gorgeous birds, love the grouping , alternating on the branch . Jackson getting some good snow this year?
Very nice image too! You are right; these are Bohemian Waxwings; another distinction is the presence of yellow at the end of wings of the adult Bohemian Waxwing (easier to spot on the ground).
Thanks for the kind words and ID help folks.

They were back in abundance yesterday afternoon but that's likely the end of it as they stripped our crab apple tree bare in less than an hour :)

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