Weekend birds & the Z6II

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I had a little time to try out the Z6II last weekend. Here are a few shots. Processing is a PITA at the moment because none of the apps are updated to support the files yet.

Z6II, 600F4 = 1.4xTC, 850mm
RT Hawk by Phil McKinney, on Flickr

Juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk by Phil McKinney, on Flickr

Crested Caracara - 100% crop by Phil McKinney, on Flickr

Crested Carcara by Phil McKinney, on Flickr

Crested Caracara by Phil McKinney, on Flickr

20201107 PDM Z6II 600F4 850mm - RT Hawk-103 by Phil McKinney, on Flickr

Scissortailed Flycatcher by Phil McKinney, on Flickr

Redwinged Balckbird, Female by Phil McKinney, on Flickr

This was way too far, but cool enough to share.
Crested Caracara Family - quite distant by Phil McKinney, on Flickr
Wow, nice work!

I appreciate that, Steven.

Phil... so what is your thoughts on the AF performance? The shot you have look fantastic though!

Thanks Gordon. AF is better in many ways, but still no D500 / D850 / D5(6). I'll follow up in a separate post.

I would think you would be very happy with the Z6ll. They look fantastic.

So far, so good thanks Peter. Thus far, I plan to hang on to it. :cool:

Some fantastic images there Phil, lovely colours.

Curiously, are the extenders the Z mount or F mount?

Very kind words, Dean. Thank you. All I have at this point is adapted F mount gear, except a couple short Z mount lenses (no Z mount TC's). After some research, I have learned that we will not be able to use F mount TC's with Z mount lenses or Z mount TC's with F mount lenses. :-/

What a fabulous series Phil...👌👌👌Any thoughts on the AF speed & performance?

Thanks Yezdi. I do have some thouhgts that I will share in another post in this thread. In a nutshell: Better, but not best.

Beautiful set Phil👍👍

Much appreciated Ralph.

Splendid! I suggest you could make these images with any camera. Show more

Thanks Charles. I suppose one couldmake that observation of just able any image, "in the right hands". More to come. Processing is a bit of a PITA until apps are updated.

Looks like you've got the hang of your new camera alright, super shots!

Thank you Mike. Having spent close to 2 years with the Z6, acclimation time for the Z6II s nil. I do have a bit to learn within the new AF Area Modes though.
Here's a couple from yesterday during my lunch break. I know the comps suck and there are a ton of obstructions, but that's actually what I wanted to show.

These were shot with the Z6II, 500PF + 1.4xTC, 700mm - shot in Auto Area AF with Tracking on. I had the box stuck on this male Northern Cardinal's head. Once set, it stayed right on the head despite all the clutter, low contrast background, and the fact that I was shooting through a busy "brushy" area.. All in all, this worked quite well.

20201109 PDM Z6II 500PF 700mm Cardinal 1-001 by Phil McKinney, on Flickr

20201109 PDM Z6II 500PF 700mm Cardinal 2-002 by Phil McKinney, on Flickr

20201109 PDM Z6II 500PF 700mm Cardinal 3-003 by Phil McKinney, on Flickr

20201109 PDM Z6II 500PF 700mm Cardinal 4-004 by Phil McKinney, on Flickr

20201109 PDM Z6II 500PF 700mm Cardinal 5-007 by Phil McKinney, on Flickr
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