We're proud parents to 2 baby Olive-backed Sunbirds.

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Well-known member
Pleased as punch to host 2 newly hatched Olive-backed Sunbirds in our Palm Cove backyard.
It was 15 days incubation and now another 15 days till they fly the nest.
In around 6-8 days we'll get to see their tiny faces. They become highly susceptible to attack from the local Butcher birds, so I have a Baretta gel blaster on hand, to give them a nasty (harmless) kick up the backside should I see them hovering.

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Dad flies in to pick up the shopping list from Mum. :p

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The female disposing of one of her eggshells. (4K video screenshot)

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Male on Heliconia flower.

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Female on Heliconia flower.

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I opened this thread half expecting to see the little babies pushing their way out of the eggs (A LA Jurassic park). Why? because that is how high you have set the bar my friend... so you can imagine my surprise when I see a beautiful set of photos that the rest of us mere mortals might actually be able to take one day. You know if the rest of us actually lived someplace that had Birds like that... Buttery Smooth backgrounds and Soft majestic light gently cascading down on subjects we wished to photograph...
So I have come to one singular Conclusion SIR... you have made a deal with the devil and someday you will PAY. 🤣😂
I opened this thread half expecting to see the little babies pushing their way out of the eggs (A LA Jurassic park). Why? because that is how high you have set the bar my friend... so you can imagine my surprise when I see a beautiful set of photos that the rest of us mere mortals might actually be able to take one day. You know if the rest of us actually lived someplace that had Birds like that... Buttery Smooth backgrounds and Soft majestic light gently cascading down on subjects we wished to photograph...
So I have come to one singular Conclusion SIR... you have made a deal with the devil and someday you will PAY. 🤣😂


The America's have beautiful Hummingbirds, we have but 1 species of Sunbird :cry: so I'd say you guys are the one's that are blessed. :p

I opened this thread half expecting to see the little babies pushing their way out of the eggs

Fingers crossed I'll have some images to post of their cute faces popping out from their nest by next week.
Just splendid, Marc, and that in your backyard! Just love #1, peeping Tommasina!
We have 21 species in our region:giggle:, but no hummers!:(
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