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You know, that shot with the signpost, tree branch, etc, sticking out of the person's head. Well here is the BIF version. What are the odds of the beak being perfectly lined up with that stick when the shutter fired? Well I guess with higher fps the odds are increasing :rolleyes:

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The new removal tool in the PS beta will sort this out.

I empathize with you . Too many times. That’s a real easy fix Dan.

Thanks for commenting, gents. I won't be spending time on this one. It's headed for the bin. So dark that there's no pulling any detail out on the eye. Note the ISO 10,000. This is just early season BIF practice. Plus I captured dozens of better frames that don't need a bunch of processing time. It just struck me as funny and thought I'd share.
Looks like the model used for one of those gift shop balancing bird chatchkis.
