What genres do you photograph?

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What genres of photography do you most photograph? Maximum of 4 choices

  • Wildlife

  • Landscape

  • Portraits/People

  • Architecture/city scapes

  • Family

  • Macro

  • Underwater

  • Nightime/Nightskies

  • Street scenes

  • Other

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Please discuss if personal interest, available subjects, location, money, time, etc influence what you photograph. Also, has this changed over time? Are there limitations (logistics, time, access or ??) to what you want photograph?
I like getting out into nature, so wildlife and landscape were natural for me, macro is just fun on the occasions I can get shots of interesting things and share them with people who don't get to see them. Getting into astro was because I've always liked space, but work schedule and weather really limit me there, more so than everything else.
My interests morph over time and often swing back. One of the things I like about photography is that it is mostly compatible with whatever is interesting to me at the time. Osprey are near the top of my list but they are only available 6 months a year. Antique aircraft are likewise, venue is open about 6 months during the summer/fall. The winter is tough, not many raptors around and with the weekend weather mostly overcast/rain this year, I didn't get out as much as I would have liked. Photography also provides a source of exercise, I can easily walk 3 miles looking for subjects.
Living in the Northwest (Washington) Landscape, Seascape, Raptor and Wildlife Photography are my choice. Long passed are the film days of family portraits though the Grandchildren growing up photos are all with a DSLR.
Eagles, Hawks, Waterfowl, Ospreys, waterfalls, roaring high Surf along the Washington / Oregon Coast add in the Cascade Mountains are my choices as I enjoy my retirement.
Back in the late 1970's when I first started into photography a friend told me to take photos of things you love and not only will it show in your photos but you will enjoy a life long hobby. I took that to heart and photograph those things I love. My 4 votes were Wildlife, Landscape, Family, Macro.

I enjoy seeing wildlife and want to photograph everything I see and share the excitement with others. Does the world need another photo of a deer or some bird? Probably not but I am so enthralled by them I want to share with everyone.

I am continually intrigued by the beauty that surrounds us every single day. I shoot a lot of landscapes. I live in the Midwestern USA where the "grand vista landscape" is a corn field. I focus on more intimate landscapes of trees, streams, woodland scenes, etc.

I love my wife, son, family and friends. I take a lot of photos of them too.

I also love wildflowers. Something about how hearty they are to survive yet so delicate in their appearance. I want everyone to see them as wildflowers instead of weeds. Every spring, I post on social media a series I call "where some see weeds, I choose to see wildflowers.". Fact is, of the few images I've sold, most were either trees in landscape or wildflowers.

That's my photo story and I'm sticking to it.
[edited to correct some typo errors - aka Jeff can't type]
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I mainly photograph wildlife and landscapes, I also take occasional photos of my family.

The location where I live definitely impacts what I photograph, mainly based on available subjects. For example, when I lived in upstate South Carolina I did more landscape photography (waterfalls, mountains, etc.) than I currently do in Ohio.

I currently do most my wildlife photography locally, I mainly see birds with the occasional deer where I live now. I’d love to take a trip one day to photograph mammals like in Yellowstone or something!

I always bring my camera when I travel for work, I can usually sneak in a photography session or two. I got a lot of good landscape and wildlife photos from a trip last August to Tucson!

Also, I have two kids under 4 so they keep me busy. I definitely don’t get out and shoot as often as I would otherwise but I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
All of the above, whenever I see something beautiful I want a picture of :)

Not many photos of flowers, but when my moms garden is in bloom it's always a joy to get out and take some macro shots, especially as the honey bees buzz around gathering pollen.

I've been using birding / wildlife photography as a great excuse to get out on frequent long walks, amortize my photography purchases over 10yrs and it's about the same as a gym membership 🥴

I think "Other" is the biggest category for me -- I love getting photos of great food I've eaten, and before wildlife that was probably my most frequently photographed category. I love cooking and baking so this ties in well. It's great going back through my pics to remember all of the restaurants I've been, with this friend or that, even when I have 50 pics of the same dish from 50 different visits 🫣

I'd like to get more into landscape photography, I find this can be dependent on season and time of day, and I've only recently become an EARLY (pre-6am) riser so hopefully I'll have more opportunities coming in the future 🤞🏻 Got a few pics I really like last autumn.
I am primarily a nature photographer, from wildlife to natural landscape, macro, natural phenomena, in a worl everything that nature provide us. From time to time I do events, like wedding, people activities, animals pets, whatever service I am offered if it interests me.
I love to shoot and capture what I see. That may be landscapes, flowers in my wife’s gardens or anywhere, animals in nature, our backyard or a zoo, family events, grandkid sports, school things. In other words, whatever is available and looks interesting.

It is the fun of the shoot and the thrill of capturing the image followed by sharing the “best” that matters to me. I print some books and individual shots, and share as here, but sell nothing.
Back in the late 90's when I lived back East and still had my engine shop, I cut my teeth shooting motorsports. I tell folks I got pretty good at shooting fast moving objects in crappy light.
When I sold all my equipment, retired, and moved to Wyoming a decade ago it was a natural transition to wildlife with the occasional landscape.
"Please discuss if personal interest, available subjects, location, money, time, etc influence what you photograph. Also, has this changed over time? Are there limitations (logistics, time, access or ??) to what you want photograph?"

I photograph wildlife most of the time, probably 80% or so, but also photograph general nature shots and some landscapes if nothing else is going on with the wildlife. I started traveling to photography wildlife when I turned 60 (my first trip to Africa), 11 years ago, and since then have been traveling as often as I can to do that. I also travel to photograph street photography, which I think is sort of like wildlife. I think about what animal I want to photograph and find a trip that will get me there, same with street photography but what place instead with interesting street scenes. I don't have an endless budget but my goal is spend the money now instead of my daughter-in-law spending it after I die! I guess all of the things you listed influence my decision to take a trip. Sometimes I'll read about something and then hit the internet to find out if I can get there, then I sign up and go. My motto these days is, "Life Should be an Adventure" and I'm trying to live it. My only limitation is my pets, I have five cats (one 20 and he's driving me crazy) and a great little Cairn Terrier pup, right now I also have a great pet/house sitter so as long as I have that I'm on the go.
From a "normal" photography standpoint; it's predominantly wildlife here. Trips/vacations tend to be planned with that in mind as well.

Outside of that, I do a lot of deepsky astrophotography. But that's probably a bit beyond the scope of this poll (since it's quite different from "normal" photography).
My two favorite are wildlife and macro photography. I do also love drone photography and landscape photography in general. I do occasionally do portraits for people. If I had to pick a least favorite, it would be any type of sports photography because I do not like sports. Lol.
My photography has 2 seasons, wildlife/waterfowl and motorcycle road racing (MotoAmerica). In 2014, I was planning on a safari to Kenya, Africa. On my list of Kenya photographs was to photograph a cheetah casing its prey on the Masai Mara. To practice this, my daughter suggested I start photographing motorcycle road racing. And that is what I did. I found the racing exciting and challenging. 9 years later, I spend my summer months driving to all the races. I've made a lot of friends and taken 10s of thousand of photographs.

Then comes fall and the winter waterfowl migration, wildlife with rutting behavior followed by spring migration and new babies. Photographing motorcycle racing has complimented my BIF photography. Properly exposed riders, tack sharp images and blurred backgrounds at low shutter speeds can be challenging.

By the way I never did get my cheetah photograph but did photograph lots of cheetahs and their babies.
Since I've started traveling I have been shooting mostly landscapes.
And since I'm in wilderness often I do wildlife photography too.
I also became interested in birding and have taken many bird pictures.
When I get back to the east coast I'd like to stop in at B&H and pick up a macro lens.
I started out as simply carrying a camera any time I was on vacation. Then, I started planning vacations with the thought of photographing the interesting people, traditions and landscapes of different countries and different states in the USA. And I learned to scuba dive, got an underwater camera and strobes and planned vacations in the Caymans, Belize, Papua New Guinea and at home in Southern California.

THEN - we retired and moved to Tennessee. Nothing, really, near me to photograph. So I started going to Florida - and discovered BIRDS! After many years of photographing "white birds" I was getting bored and wanted something different. Next came 4 trips to Africa, 2 trips to Costa Rica and a trip to the Khutzeymateen in British Columbia. And I picked up the love of photographing architecture! So TOTALLY different than imaging wildlife! Recently I photographed in Prague, Vienna, Melk, and several towns in Germany. So far I have photographed about 21 United States Capitols and plan on photographing about 5 more in May 2024.

I'm always on the look out for photo trips! I'll try shooting almost anything - except people and weddings! LOL!
I started out as simply carrying a camera any time I was on vacation. Then, I started planning vacations with the thought of photographing the interesting people, traditions and landscapes of different countries and different states in the USA. And I learned to scuba dive, got an underwater camera and strobes and planned vacations in the Caymans, Belize, Papua New Guinea and at home in Southern California.

THEN - we retired and moved to Tennessee. Nothing, really, near me to photograph. So I started going to Florida - and discovered BIRDS! After many years of photographing "white birds" I was getting bored and wanted something different. Next came 4 trips to Africa, 2 trips to Costa Rica and a trip to the Khutzeymateen in British Columbia. And I picked up the love of photographing architecture! So TOTALLY different than imaging wildlife! Recently I photographed in Prague, Vienna, Melk, and several towns in Germany. So far I have photographed about 21 United States Capitols and plan on photographing about 5 more in May 2024.

I'm always on the look out for photo trips! I'll try shooting almost anything - except people and weddings! LOL!
Like you, I don’t like to shoot people with ( with an exception) and specially wedding. I did two weddings last year because they were for my friends and they knew, I would do it for free. I found it very stressful even after watching so many videos and learning from book. It is one of the most important day in the bride and groom life and the photos must be perfect and there is no chance if there was any failure in my shots that I could go back and do it again.
Photography for me remains a moment of pleasure and happiness, not a moment of stress and worries.
I Like to take photos of people in a spontaneous ways. So sometimes in my travel, I take photos for people in their everyday life without them knowing what I am doing. Then, I show them their photos and ask them if I can keep them. And if they say no then I delete the photos in front of them. In all my travel, people were happy when I showed them their photos, and they asked me to mail them to them. It is win win
We (wife of 50 years and I) love the outdoors and travel in general. We've been to 50 of the National Parks and 5 countries in Europe. Preserving our memories with photos is a natural. Wildlife is a big part of my photographic endeavors and it fits right in with our camping / road trips. Grand children are a must. The wife does "mug shots", I like more candid stuff. Under the heading of "other", I do photos for the model airplane club that I belong to. I guess that qualifies as event photography. My dad liked photography to the point of having a darkroom in the 50's and 60's. When I was still in grade school, he got me a Brownie and, when he saw I had an interest, got me an Argus C3. Dad passed in 1963. I was 17. My photography has had ups & downs but I have never quit altogether. Discovering digital photography just threw gasoline on the fire.
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Wildlife - bird centric mostly but if it has fur, I am in. I like landscape as well, dabble in macro with plans to expand that as I age. After a recent trip to Euorpe for 2 weeks, I realized I can tolerate one day in a city for architecture and need the next 3 or 4 to be in nature. I really don't like the crowds and the noise.

For now I am making every effort to go across the world while my body can still sit in an aircraft for that long and I can manage the gear and baggage necessary for those darn birds. Why oh why do the pretty ones like that hot and humid environment? Later I am hoping to extensively travel the US and Canada. I really like road trips and shooting from the car via the backroads. I am grateful that Costa Rico and some parts of South America are reachable with reasonable air travel when I need a fix of exotic (to me) pretty birds.
I used to be Wildlife and Macro for almost all with a dash of landscape. Now I’m wildlife and portrait with a dash of landscape. I like still life but I just don’t seem to grok it for photography. Living subjects, on the other hand, I have an understanding of what can look good. It’s just my skill level and ability to put time into it that holds me back.