@Stephen Berger ~ What
@DRwyoming ` Dave said above. Except, I use the 80-400 as it allows you, especially from the car, to still frame large animals. And often the animals are too close for the long lens so it is useless. It is also easier to maneuvre a shorter lens in a car than a long lens. I love the versatility of a zoom, having also had the 200-400 for many years. And the 200 mm end is often too large/big to capture the whole animal. If I had a 3rd body, I would use the 24-120 F/4. This allows you a quick landscape and also getting large animals like elephants and giraffe in the frame when they are near. It also depend on FX or DX body what you get in or cut off of the model. Over many years, I seldom used the 70-200 f/2.8, it is just too small and focuses too far. Maybe the newer generation focuses closer. I am talking expressly from shooting from a car. In hides, (blinds) normally anything from 300 mm onwards works. For birds, very seldom anything under 400 mm is adequate. Again, this the the situation here. Over in your side of the woods, it may work differently. I used the 70-200 with a 2X TC and did not like the results all the time. The 80-400 gives be better results over 1000's of images.