What's acceptable sample variation?

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I recently had to send my Z180-600 to get the VR motor replaced under warranty. While it was there it had a full clean, calibration.
While it was away I was lent a loaner 180-600 which I used for a few weeks. The loaner lens worked great and to my eye was a bit sharper than my own.

When it came time to pick up my serviced lens, I was able to take a few comparison shots with the loaner lens to see if everything was in order.

I took some shots with each lens at the same subject, same settings. C-AF single point, burst mode, SS 1/640, f/6.3 ISO 2000. Throughout the series of images it was clear that my lens was significantly softer than the lens I had on loan.

My question is, my lens is now 9 months old, so out of any free returns period - but now that Ive been able to compare mine to another sample and found it to be significantly softer - where do I stand?

My lens has just been calibrated so i assume its already at its best?

Ive attached two equally cropped example below. My lens on the left , the loan lens on the right.


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I recently had to send my Z180-600 to get the VR motor replaced under warranty. While it was there it had a full clean, calibration.
While it was away I was lent a loaner 180-600 which I used for a few weeks. The loaner lens worked great and to my eye was a bit sharper than my own.

When it came time to pick up my serviced lens, I was able to take a few comparison shots with the loaner lens to see if everything was in order.

I took some shots with each lens at the same subject, same settings. C-AF single point, burst mode, SS 1/40 f/6.3 ISO 2000. Throughout the series of images it was clear that my lens was significantly softer than the lens I had on loan.

My question is, my lens is now 9 months old, so out of any free returns period - but now that Ive been able to compare mine to another sample and found it to be significantly softer - where do I stand?

My lens has just been calibrated so i assume its already at its best?

Ive attached two equally cropped example below. My lens on the left , the loan lens on the right.


Just to be clear, is the focus point identical in each comparison? You can check that in NX Studio.
Yes the focus point was the same in each shot. All shots handheld - but seems odd that nearly all of the burst images from the loan lens were sharp and all of the the ones from my lens were not. To clarify I took several bursts, refocusing each time on the cropped area.
The shutter speed seems awfully low for sharpness tests on a long lens. How was the camera supported during testing?
Sorry I should clarify that was a typo, shutter speed was 1/640s not 1/40. Faster would be better I agree, but all shots in the burst series were consistently bad on my lens and a lot sharper on the loan lens.

I'll see if I can get back to the store to try on tripod. My primary intention at the time was testing the VR which had been replaced.