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American badger and Great Plains toad
Z9 600 6.3


Swift fox and Richardson's ground squirrels
Z8 500 f4
Wow, Craig, these are amazing! I've only ever seen a badger once, many years ago. You captured it beautifully! And it looks like that swift fox is dining well tonight!

American badger and Great Plains toad
Z9 600 6.3


Swift fox and Richardson's ground squirrels
Z8 500 f4
Very cool photos, nice job getting eye level with your subjects! Where were these taken if you don't mind sharing? I understand if you don't want to share specifics online, I'm just curious. I do most my photography locally and I mainly see birds, I'd love to travel to Yellowstone National Park or something to see more mammals!
Very cool photos, nice job getting eye level with your subjects! Where were these taken if you don't mind sharing? I understand if you don't want to share specifics online, I'm just curious. I do most my photography locally and I mainly see birds, I'd love to travel to Yellowstone National Park or something to see more mammals!
Thanks much. I was in SD visiting family and got the badger there earlier this week and the swift fox was back home in MT yesterday.

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