Which brand has best camera/lens IBIS?

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Being respectful of the no brand bashing rule…

I have a significant essential tremor and require good IBIS not just for getting sharp images, but also for steadying the viewfinder.

In my haste to switch back to the lighter OM system, I had forgotten that the OM system doesn’t provide me with the steady view finder. It leaves me feeling like a bit of an idiot.

Unfortunately in using Sony, Canon and Nikon I didn’t keep any records of how they were.

My Z9/Z6II with 400 f/4.5 was definitely better than my OM-1 Marks I and II and 300 mm f/4.5.

I appreciate any opinions you folks may have.


All of the FF MILC’s are pretty close these days though some distinctions exist. My recommendation is to preferentially look at the other features which may be important, size, weight, lenses, ergonomics, etc. and then try the camera(s) out for yourself. All of the discussions in the world will not supplant your real world assessment.
I’m not sure what’s going on for you but I believe Olympus/OM have the best IBIS and lens VR - up to 8.5 stops on the OM2. I also own Nikon and Leica so I’m not particularly a specific brand fanboy.
I have the OM1 and it’s simply great. However, it’s 20MP and M43 so there is a clear IQ difference from my 45MP Z8 and Q2.
Hope you can figure it out.
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All of the FF MILC’s are pretty close these days though some distinctions exist. My recommendation is to preferentially look at the other features which may be important, size, weight, lenses, ergonomics, etc. and then try the camera(s) out for yourself. All of the discussions in the world will not supplant your real world assessment.
Thanks but that’s my problem - lol - I’ve used all three but don’t remember which I liked the most for MY unique needs. Some are better than others.


I’m not sure what’s going on for you but I believe Olympus/OM have the best IBIS and lens VR - up to 8.5 stops on the OM2. I also own Nikon and Leica so I’m not particularly a specific brand fanboy.
I have the OM1 and it’s simply great.
Hope you can figure it out.
Like I tried to say in my initial post. The OM does provide good IBIS in terms of getting a sharp result, but in my application it doesn’t do a good job in stabilizing the view in the viewfinder.


first, sorry to hear about your condition

what/how are you shooting?

are you trying to stabilize a low shutter speed, or are you trying to help tracking?

i worry a bit that the way these systems work may not help you in the ways you want.

for slow shutter shooting, it’s probably going to help, but maybe not as much as you would like. nikon has a system called syncro vr (?) that allows some bodes and some lenses to work together to provide very large amounts of stabilization. so for these combinations, it’s about as good as is possible these days.

for helping stabilize to help frame the action, this may be more problematic. nikon’s heavy duty syncro stabilization is often criticized for it’s jerking back to center. in some ways this is good, it shows there’s a lot of stabilization going on and it’s trying hard to keep centered, but that style probably isn’t good for movement and if you’re fighting motion already, the recentering may feel like you’re fighting it.

they do have sport mode to provide a smoother experience, but that also means less stabilization.

i wonder if what might work is sone type of powered gimbal?