Which podcasts do you follow?

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After reading @Steve 's email regarding a podcast he did with Matt K I realised I was not setup to listen to podcasts. After a few minutes figuring it out I got Matt K's podcast added to my podcast library on my iPhone. Started me thinking that I could listen to podcasts whilst on my daily walk so I wondered what other Photography related podcasts do forum members follow?
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I heard of a few of those mentioned but I haven’t followed them in years. It is hard to dedicate a lot of time to listening to a bunch of long ones. Anyone have recommendations on nice short ones like 15m or less?
Martin Bailey does a nice photography podcast. He has a super smoothe voice and brings a mix of tech and art into his discussions. I think Martin's podcast is one of the longest running podcasts on the web.
I heard of a few of those mentioned but I haven’t followed them in years. It is hard to dedicate a lot of time to listening to a bunch of long ones. Anyone have recommendations on nice short ones like 15m or less?
I have only just worked out how to subscribe to podcasts on my phone, but now my thoughts are to plug my air pods in, pick a pod cast and listen whilst on my daily walk. I can't see me taking time out in a busy day just to listen to a pod cast but as background whilst out walking I think will be great.
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Wild and exposed (now beyond the wild), wildlife photochat, and the nature photo guys. Tried the one with Rob Read and Josh Galicki but they are so unbelievably arrogant I couldn't tolerate them. I also liked Steve's, but he quit that.
I have never listened to a podcast. I don't have much patience with listening to chit-chat, even in videos...I fast forward parts of them, I just want the basic info and I want it right away so podcasts are probably not going to be my thing. But, I think I will listen to one to make sure about them not being my thing and maybe I'll change my mind, maybe I'll listen on that new exercise bike I got two weeks ago that I have yet to work out on! Also, I was on a three-week trip with Richard Bernabe and he really is a nice guy, good photographer, too.