White balance and Underwater shots

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One key issue when shooting underwater wider angle shots is dealing with white balance. As you go deeper in the water colums, the water absorbs more of the surface light colors starting with re then to orange, yellow, green, etc/ Thehigher refractive index of the water bends light and can make it harder to get sharp shots that are not close-ups and you get little reflection so thngs not in direct light can look quite different.

Fow example, here are two shots of the same formation at a depth of about 15m/50ft. Shot one was taken just with the filtered surface light while the second was taken using a Sola 1200 lumen Photo/Dive light (5500k). Note the absence of the red end colors in shot one. What is more striking is the absolute brilliane/intensity of the colors when seen under surface lighting conditions. It is a different world down there.

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