White Balance Question

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I typically shoot on Auto White Balance and adjust if needed in post. On a recent trip, we were on a sunset shoreline cruise at Pictured Rocks and the light was changing almost continuously as the sun dropped in the sky, and as we went in and out of shadows. The colors change with the light. Even the water color changes dependent on water depth and the angle at which the sun hits it. This is making it more difficult for me to process when the look can change significantly from one photo to the next. How do you manage white balance in constantly changing light? Or do you just accept the changes as what you actually saw?
I would expect your images to reflect the same changes you saw. I've shot there and the colors do indeed change a lot with each passing minute as you move up and back down the shoreline.

What is giving you problems?
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I would expect your images to reflect the same changes you saw. I've shot there and the colors do indeed change a lot with each passing minute as you move up and back down the shoreline.

What is giving you problems?
I wanted another input because of a foolish interest in achieving a consistent look. Such consistency is not expected or necessary and I will embrace the constant change.
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds..."
I say process the images as you remember them and how you want the viewer to see them!

We were there in October and I had a lot of golden light up and down the shoreline....but my last shot was when the sun no longer illuminated the scene and bluish shadows gave a totally different look.
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I say process the images as you remember them and how you want the viewer to see them!

We were there in October and I had a lot of golden light up and down the shoreline....but my last shot was when the sun no longer illuminated the scene and bluish shadows gave a totally different look.
Your observations match mine so I will proceed accordingly as you suggest. The scenes did change on the trip out and back and as the sun moved lower in the sky. All of which makes the trip that much more interesting! Thank you again.
I typically shoot on Auto White Balance and adjust if needed in post. On a recent trip, we were on a sunset shoreline cruise at Pictured Rocks and the light was changing almost continuously as the sun dropped in the sky, and as we went in and out of shadows. The colors change with the light. Even the water color changes dependent on water depth and the angle at which the sun hits it. This is making it more difficult for me to process when the look can change significantly from one photo to the next. How do you manage white balance in constantly changing light? Or do you just accept the changes as what you actually saw?
If the goal is consistency, get off AWB, set it, say, to 5600k, then use it as a baseline from which to color-correct/adjust in Post. It won't accurately reflect what you saw, as Karen said, but it will be easier to edit.
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If the goal is consistency, get off AWB, set it, say, to 5600k, then use it as a baseline from which to color-correct/adjust in Post. It won't accurately reflect what you saw, as Karen said, but it will be easier to edit.
Thank you for the suggestion which I may use in the future. However, after reflection, for this set of photos I will deal with individually as the variation was changing light was a key reason to choose the sunset cruise rather than the mid-afternoon where the lighting would be more consistent. I got what I asked for and now I have to work with it. It will be a learning experience. Photos will be posted when ready.