White-Faced Ibis

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We get a nice sized flock of around two dozen that return to the pond next to the house every Spring.

WF Ibis 2_copy_2478x1652.jpg
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Thanks. It was kind of a dreary morning switching between rain and snow.
Lighting to me looks just perfect on him, yes full sun is great when can get it. Nice to see the breeding colors. The ones I have photographed here were late summer and more all greenish with iridescence, kind of bland. Hope to upgrade my photos this year with on that looks like yours.
Wonderful capture. Don't see those where I live so it is great to see one here.
Thanks, we only see them for a short time in the spring
Lighting to me looks just perfect on him, yes full sun is great when can get it. Nice to see the breeding colors. The ones I have photographed here were late summer and more all greenish with iridescence, kind of bland. Hope to upgrade my photos this year with on that looks like yours.
We only used to get a few at the pond but the last couple of years the flock has grown to a couple of dozen.