White-tailed kites in air food transfer

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For the last 7 years, we have been very fortunate to have white-tailed kites nesting in our neighbors tree. I have gotten to photograph all stages of this, from the start of their family to the first flights of the chicks. Originally was using a D7100 with the 500mm f/4 but this year got to use the Z9 and 500mm PF lens which helped a lot. By far my favorite shots are when the kites do an in air food transfer (think that only a few other bird species do this including peregrine falcons and Norther harriers). Not sure what other species do this? This was one such shot I got this year:

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and a video:

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Thanks for looking and any comments.
For the last 7 years, we have been very fortunate to have white-tailed kites nesting in our neighbors tree. I have gotten to photograph all stages of this, from the start of their family to the first flights of the chicks. Originally was using a D7100 with the 500mm f/4 but this year got to use the Z9 and 500mm PF lens which helped a lot. By far my favorite shots are when the kites do an in air food transfer (think that only a few other bird species do this including peregrine falcons and Norther harriers). Not sure what other species do this? This was one such shot I got this year:

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and a video:

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Thanks for looking and any comments.
Excellent shot and info. I never new that occurred 👍👍👍